Dobermann - Sport und Zucht -

  Kairos de Grande Vinko   

Wurftag: 30.05.2014 -
HD-B / vWD - clear / Dilute - DD
EKG, ECHO (Doppler) - normal - Cardio Free (January 2016)
ECHO (Doppler) - normal - Cardio Free (March 2019)
Holter 24h - normal - Cardio Free (May 2019)
Troponin - normal (05.2020) EKG, ECHO, Doppler, Holter 24h - Cardio Free - 0 VPc (26.06.2020

PPM - free / PHTVL/PHPV - free / CATARACT - free
RD - free / Hypoplastia/Micropapilla - free / CEA - free / PRA - free
Embark tested - all clear
DCM1 (PDK4) - clear / DCM2 (TTN) - clear / DINGS - clear

Ausstellungserfolge / Show results
INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION (C.I.B.) (to confirmation)
IDC 2018 - Honour Class Winner
IDC 2019 - Honour Class - 4th place
Dobermann Europa Klubsiegerschau 2018, Kamenny Mlyn - Ehrenklasse Europa Klubsieger 2018
HDK Honour Class Winner 2019
Grand Champion of ROMANIA Cum Laudae
Grand Champion of SLOVAKIA
Champion of POLAND
Champion of ROMANIA
Champion of SLOVAKIA
Champion of UKRAINE
Slovakia Winner 2018
Victory Winner - Slovakia 2016
Junior Champion of POLAND
Junior Club Winner 2015
Junior Winner of POLAND 2015

Prüfungen / Exams
Polish Breeding Test
ZTP - V1B (20.07.2019 Slovakia, judge: R.Killmayer)

Stammbaum / pedigree

Vater / Sire:
Oksamit de Grande Vinko
Leo v. Markischen Land Nitro del Rio Bianco Nilo del Rio Bianco
Farah del Rio Bianco
Isa v. Markischen Land Jivago v.h. Wantij
Dolly v. Markischen Land
Gekata de Vinko iz Doliny Dalmenov Pluto de Grande Vinko Baron Nike Renewal
Grafinya Shanel-San de Grande Vinko
Aida de Grande Vinko Tigr iz Slavnoi Stai
Ak-Yar Andromeda
Mutter / Dam:
Alastriona de Grande Vinko
Ale'Alamos del Citone Pathos delle Querce Nere Urbano del Diamante Nero
Ninette della Sinvessa
Ramona Rashi del Citone Gino Gomez del Citone
Quaresse d'Islamorada
Modus Ost Wis Wespera Pluto de Grande Vinko Baron Nike Renewal
Grafinya Shanel-San de Grande Vinko
Modus Ost Gottin Gera Gino Gomez del Citone
Modus Ost Cerceia Ceia

Für weitere

Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an:
For further information please contact:

Dominika Hucal
67-200 Glogow
